Questions About Passing The American Health Care Act Bill

With the passing of the American Health Care Act bill, questions abound. Everyone should know that the bill is not law and it is NOWHERE NEAR BEING PERFECT.

It now goes to the Senate for revisions and additional polishing. It could be until this year end before we see what a final version would look like. Meanwhile, these are some talking points of the bill:

  • IT DOES NOT eliminate coverage for pre-existing conditions.
  • Carriers must provide guaranteed issue policies.
  • If you have a pre-existing condition and you live in a state that does not seek a waiver from the AHCA and the ACA’s rating system, you cannot be charged more than any other folks buying a new plan in your State.
  • Anyone on a plan cannot be dumped due to a pre-existing condition, nor charged more if a condition develops. If you change coverage, you will not be charged higher than others and this is true of waiver or non waiver states.
  • If you are uninsured and have a pre-existing condition, Congress is setting aside a fund to help with coverage. (Arguably not enough, but a work in progress)

We must all wait to see what the Senate does. We are still a long way from “repeal and replace”.