The American Health Care Act: What Happens to Obamacare Now?

The GOP pulled its Obamacare replacement bill before it could go to a vote on Friday, March 24. This begs the question… is that the end of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal and replace plan? Will another bill be drafted? The GOP appears to be drafting another bill as we speak.

As of right now there are many more questions than answers. Most answers and guidance will be coming in the future. What we do know is that the ACA remains in place as written. As of now nothing has changed.

Subsidies for those who qualify, essential health benefits, no pre-existing conditions remain in effect. The law, as written, remains the law.

Is the individual mandate still in effect?

Yes it is! This has not changed. The existing healthcare reform law requires taxpayers to show that they have minimum essential coverage or pay a penalty. Consult a tax professional if you have questions.

If passed, The American Health Care Act (AHCA) would have eliminated the individual and employer mandates and the penalties associated with this provision of the law.

The IRS also provides ACA information and resources that may be helpful but does not serve as a replacement for professional guidance.

Will there be a 2018 open enrollment?

At this point, yes! Every year since the ACA’s individual mandate took effect the open enrollment period for individual health insurance plans begins sometime in the fall. However, what will the Federal Marketplace look like? How will the Trump administration promote it? Time will tell.

Need coverage now?

We encourage consumers to discuss their health insurance options with a licensed agent, visit or call the Federal Marketplace 1-800-318-2596.

Again, all tax-related questions should be directed to a tax professional.