Health Care Reform Update
You are still required by law to have insurance this year.
You can only purchase ACA compliant health plans until March 31.
You do NOT have to go through the Federal Marketplace to purchase health insurance.
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Well, what a rocky start to our new health care system thus far!! The marketplace website did not work properly; the employer mandate has been postponed for one year; some small groups will be allowed to keep their plans for another year and some will not….and, today there is discussion of postponing the individual mandate for THREE years!!! In addition, because the back end of the Marketplace, which processes premiums and subsidies, is still in the process of being built, some clients we enrolled in the Federal Marketplace in January are having difficulty paying their premiums! I could go on… but, I won’t!
These many problems yield great public confusion. The public is extremely confused about the law and how it is actually being implemented.
What should you do with this confusion? First, call us ~ we will be happy to advise you. And, here is some info for you to use: If you work and have group insurance provided through your employer, you can most likely rely on your employer to keep your plan compliant. If you purchase your own insurance, the current law is still in place and you are required to have a compliant Affordable Care Act plan with the 10 minimum essential benefits this year. So, as of today, you are still required by law to have insurance this year.
You can only purchase ACA compliant health plans until March 31st. Otherwise, you must wait until next open enrollment (October to December) to purchase a plan for January 1, 2015 unless you have a qualifying event or special exception during the year. The penalty for not having insurance this year is $95 per adult; half for each child; or, 1 % of your income ~ whichever is greater.
You do NOT have to go through the Federal Marketplace to purchase health insurance. You may go directly to the insurance company as you always have done. The Marketplace is for those who qualify for a subsidy. I am certified to help you both on and off of the marketplace.
Call us for help with your questions. This is all very confusing and we are daily helping people find the best value for the premium dollar.
~~~ Carolyn